Monday, June 11, 2012

I know I've been neglecting this blog way to long. I have been on Facebook and getting in touch with a lot of people that I haven't heard from in many years. It's been taking up a lot of time. I've also discovered Pinterest. I love it. I must say I am really discouraged with doing a blog. I'm nowhere near where I would like to be with all the things that we can do on here. I just have a tough time trying to figure out how to do things. When I try , I really mess things up. I need a tutor for this. Ii wish Ilived near some of my friends on here who do such a good job. Well, I will try tomake the effort to work on this some more. I would like to post someof the sewing I am doing this summer for me and my grandchildren. I think I'll have some time on my hands to do that. the job situation doesn't look so great so I want to be more constructive at home. This is my last week of school. it was a fast and stressful year. Enjoy your week everyone and have a great summer.